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Archival prints

From Sprocket School
Revision as of 14:05, 17 February 2019 by Rlyon (talk | contribs)
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Lending Policies

Policies vary from institution to institution, but these are the most common requirements:

  • Prints must be screened on dual projector changeover systems
  • Prints cannot be built up onto platter systems or onto reels larger than 2000’.
  • Heads and tails cannot be removed.
  • Repairs cannot be made without contacting the archive first
  • Any cue marks added must be grease pencil, removed after screening (no automation cues)
  • Borrowers assume full responsibility for replacement or repair of lost or damaged prints

Best Practices

When handling archival prints and dealing with archives always:

  • Learn about the lending policies of the institutions you’re working with.
  • Let them know about any damage incurred while print was in your possession, even minor things.
  • Let them know about any damage noticed on inspection that might cause projection issues. Do not do any repair without checking with them first. Most archives won’t send you prints with unrepaired damage, but you may encounter this with private collector prints or non-archival prints.
  • It’s helpful to include a clean well-detailed copy of your inspection report with the print when you return it. Some archives ask for it (Universal, Warner Brothers) but most find it helpful regardless. And it may help the next venue who receives the print.

See Also